The Winter Solstice.

December 21, 2023

And thank goodness for that. There is still Full Moon five days away but at least I am half way to some hope and sanity. For a while anyway.

I’ve still got some of the black grapes I sealed in glass jars in the fridge about two months ago. All fine and it’s nice to know that works. One to be remembered for next year. Eat black grapes if you are feeling depressed, but mind and chew the pips as well.

The days will now be getting longer and much more quickly than some realise. The Commune is dead stingy with the street lights around here, although for obvious reasons but it does make the darkness more apparent. And there are only a couple or three street lights anyway.

Happy Winter Solstice everyone. Roast a Pig, or something.

O’Connor says Bon Noel. He doesn’t care which day it is so long as he gets his dinner.

The World.

December 13, 2023

What World I Have to wonder. I don’t know any more. tI all seems to have gone completely mad. Excepting of course that I haven’t. Perhaps that is the problem. I have always known who I am and I won’t be changing that anytime soon. It has all been too long and too hard. And not even very important when shit comes to bust.

Rest assured that there is always someone out there who had it worse than you did. Actually not much consolation. But there you go. Such is life. Unless they inadvertently had a better time than you did. In which case jolly good show;

I am having some problems with Anger at the moment, which is all very silly; And I know that. There is no sense to to anger. And I will have to deal with this eventually, although I don’t quite know how just now.

Another Day and Another Dollar. 

Guess What.

December 4, 2023

I Am Feeling Really Great. Mind you, it is half way between Full Moons. Heaven knows what that means because I don’t pay any attention to The Moon until I begin to feel like shite again.

I have more or less recovered from the trauma of back along, but Kate is still stuck in Bordeaux, hopefully doing as she is told and staying in bed. Her daughter’s “In Laws” are really lovely people and so looking after her. The lovely French people are everywhere and not just in Brittany. They even looked after Robin Dominic while he was there.

I have discovered something interesting about Grapes. I got so many from the vines of other people that I didn’t know what to do with them all. Waste being my abiding nightmare. But if you put them in glass jars in the fridge with tight closing lids then they last for so much longer.

O’Connor, The Hun is still bombing through The Dog Flap, in and out, dear of him. He still pees in the house, but that could be the interminable rain. He can smell it from under his blanket. Both Cats are fine and getting fed. They both have sanctuaries.

Robin Dominic has more or less recovered from his own injuries, which were actually worse than he said. And he is now back to working. When it isn’t festering raining. I meant Fucking Raining of course, but I am trying not to swear quite so much. This bad language lark creeps up on you if you don’t watch out. No, it won’t be my New Year’s Resolution. I don’t do those.

Three weeks to Christmas and not a Capon in sight. But Lidl will probably have them on Christmas Eve. I do hope so. There really is nothing to beat them, although apparently they are illegal in Britain. God knows why. They’ve only had their bullocks chopped off when they are very young. This is going on all over the place in Britain on other species, including Humans. Say no more. Who wants to save a cockerel when The Human Race is being encouraged to sterilise itself.

The rest of The News from Britain is pretty diabolical. The Tories have had it, oh dear. Boris will be fine. And I remain a hard core Royalist. It’s the only decent thing that Britain has left. Scobey and The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have cooked their own Capon.

This is part of me standing up to be counted. But please feel free to disagree with me.

Internet Crash.

November 4, 2023

As though I needed any more crashes. No Electricity for two days and no Internet or Telephone for three days. I didn’t cope well. So I have had to have a rethink on my optimistic approach to Putin and World War lll. Buy more candles. I went through ten candles in three days and I was being careful.

Have I mentioned that O’Connor has cracked going through the Dog Flap to get into the garden? But only because he thought there was something interesting going on. Nothing to do with having a pee. There you go you see. Leave these things to me. Although there have been rivers of pee in the house. Until I realised that it was the fridge defrosting all over the floor. But it probably needed defrosting anyway. I haven’t opened a freezer door in three days and I am not going to have a look just yet.

I had no idea of what was going on down in Bordeaux but Robin Dominic couldn’t get home because The Trains were out as well. What a disaster. Don’t leave home because you can’t get back, short of a Camel Ride. No Camels around here.

Kate is okay, sort of. But not allowed out of bed, which is much the best idea for the years to come when she won’t want a buggered Pelvis.

Kate’s daughter Charlotte is dealing with the insurance claim and speaks excellent French because she grew up around here.

In the end I read a lot by candle light. Not very funny, but I finished a book about The Wrens in war time which turned into a really good read. And then I read Requiem for a Wren for the umpteenth time. Nevil Shute. Never discard the good ones. You never know when you might need them.

Just had a clap of thunder and it hasn’t stopped raining for about two weeks. And now another clap right overhead.

Oh, just fed Kate’s Cat. Kate left him a lot of food, but it was nearly gone. so he’s okay now. The Cat across the road is also fine. Some things are more important than others. Note to myself. Must buy a bag of Dried Dog Food. I don’t normally feed O’Connor dried food but anything is better than nothing. And then I must bag it up in double plastic or the mice will eat it. Do I care about Mice? I am really not sure. But such is life in Rural Brittany.

A Car Crash.

November 1, 2023

Robin Dominic and his lady friend Kate were involved in a car accident while on their way down south. Kate is in hospital with a fractured pelvis and the car is a right off. Dom only has minor bumps and bruises. The luck of the devil, that one.

Looking on the bright side. It wasn’t their fault. Some consolation, eh what. Dom is staying in a hotel briefly and will have to come home by train. I am not sure for how long Kate will be stuck there, but she certainly won’t be going to work on Monday. This is a bit of a bummer as she doesn’t work for fun and seriously needs her car anyway, living where we do.

One of Dom’s friends or clients will have to collect him from Hennebont which is about 40 miles away and the nearest train station.

No Food Bank Allocation for me this Friday but I doubt that I will starve. Although I am seriously dependent on Dom these days. Perhaps too much so and so easy to fall into at my age.

But no one died and both Dom and Kate felt sorry for the young girl who hit them in her once shiny new car.

My house is currently spotless, sort of, but the spider’s webs are already creeping back. O’Connor’s leap into dealing with The Dog Flap has faded into oblivion. Poor little soul. He is the only one who is suffering as he so misses his soul mate.

Not sure about the Insurance Claim but I will be here to remember every detail. It’s the one thing I am any good at. I have a masterful memory and understanding when it comes to money which is why I will never succumb to Dementia. I won’t allow it.

But I am heartfelt relieved that it all was no worse.


October 29, 2023

And Glory Be. O’Connor found his own way back indoors through the Dog Flap this morning. Although whether of not he can get back out again could depend on how desperate he might be to join in some imagined fight in the garden. For all I know he might have already done so. There has been a lack of dog pee in the house this last couple of mornings.

But him not being locked out in the cold is more important to me that not having to mop up pee. I have recently found some albeit expensive but very good Air Freshener Spray which has somewhat diminished the smell.

Robin Dominic took off Down South this morning and for the next five day so Dog and I are alone together. Let’s hope I can crack this before Dom gets back.

I am now also into cleaning the house a bit at a time. It won’t last of course. It never does in Rural Brittany. But now and again is nice.


October 25, 2023

How can this be happening again? Why should Israel not defend itself? Was Six Million not enough? Obviously not.

No, I am not a Jew. Just the remnants of a very small Christian girl child who believed that it couldn’t happen again.

I can’t even ask you all to stand up and be counted with me. But I must. The horror of the last War still lives in me and has coloured my life ever since my life began.

Israel was meant to be a safe haven, albeit a desert that Palestine didn’t even want, until The Jews turned it into a green and pleasant land and all by their own hard efforts. The Jews asked nothing of Palestine and got nothing. But now Palestine wants something that no longer belongs to them just because The Jews made it to be good.

Be aware of what is really going on. Islam intends to rule The World and always has. They had a major blip when Jesus Christ turned up and caused a bit of bother which put their intentions on hold for 2,000 years while The Christians got shirty. But Christianity has just about had it now. I am surprised that it took so long. But Henry The Eighth didn’t help.

So now here we all are, waiting for Islam to win. But never forget that Jesus was a Jew. Are you listening, Lord?

Israel. Undaunted.

October 13, 2023

I can’t think of anything else to say at the moment. I am too upset. I truly believed that I would never see the like again.

Bow and Baud.

September 20, 2023

Both pronounced the same. Bow is where I was born and Baud is a very small town about four miles from Lann Georges, The Land of St. George in Breton.

Anyway, none of this occurred to me until very recently. But this is all bit strange. What sent me running in distress to a town in proximity of the same name?

I was proud of being a Cockney although I didn’t have much else going for me. And what’s to do with Bow Bells anyway? Bow was an accident of birth and Baud was an accident of desperation. Could there have been something odd going on?

Nope, I don’t believe in a God of anyone’s kind beyond your average Pagan. And even they are getting a bit full of themselves these days so I have given up on that one. It seems to have been a means by which everyone should help everyone. That hasn’t gone well in latter days.

But something peculiar happened. This place saved what little I have of my soul. Thirty years of peace and quiet and passing kindness. Perhaps because I am a Celt. And that was an accident if ever there was one. Thank you God for that one.

The Last Pardon.

September 12, 2023

Sunday, that was. Or so they say. I didn’t go. It had all lost it’s Thing about Community and become rather boring.

I haven’t seen Robin Dominic since and so I have no idea of what happened. Although a crate of rather dubious looking bottles of God knows what has appeared from God knows where at sometime during the night. I will almost certainly give it a miss. But only almost. Who knows. Never say never, say I.

O’Connor didn’t get to go this time, but I don’t think he noticed. He just spent a lot of time in the garden barking, at God knows what a lot. So No Pees in the house, Thank God. There’s a lot of God knows what goes on around here. And Far From The Madding Crowd.

We shall have to wait and see for next year. Robin Dominic could probably organise a Pardon himself by now. I’ll let you know or not.

Long Live St. Rivalain and St. George.