Archive for February, 2021


February 27, 2021

Courtesy of Myster. I couldn’t have done that. I shall buy a frame shortly and then hang it on my kitchen wall. Ever to be remembered as the worst dog that I have ever owned, but also the funniest and the sweetest. Get your head around that if you can. Excuse me, must mop up another Pee. Meanwhile O’Connor is out digging up the garden again. My friend Rob in New Zealand is watching out for O’Connor’s arrival.

My Avatar is not really relevant, although it does look a bit like me in my hay days, although I was probably marginally better looking and I had much more hair, sadly now diminishing along with everything else, other than my brain of course.

Forgetting things is only really funny to me. If only everyone thought so. But this lies in your own hands. If you laugh then everyone else will. And does it really matter anyway?

However, this is a Thank You to Myster who had the time and patience to do this and made me feel as though my Blog is worth reading. There are others on The UK Justice Forum who have been kind to me, being a Moderator as I am, but always from the most unlikely corners.

Alice has been dead for two years now, but still missed by me. He was a kind man. But he wasn’t alone.

Sorry, I got a bit morbid there for a minute. Probably Full Moon coming up again. I don’t do well at Full Moon, but it always passes. And The Moon is such a glorious thing, especially at it’s most high. And tomorrow will be another day.


February 4, 2021

Now I didn’t know that thousands of people die every year from Flu.  In fact, not having caught Flu myself for many a long decade, I didn’t even know  that people were still catching it.

So when the news of Covid broke last March I went into the statutory decline and threw the duvet over my head while contemplating being dead in a fortnight.  Not funny.  I don’t want to die just yet.  Besides, I’m not giving up my British State Pension until I’ve had my money’s worth. And Yes, I was seriously worried.  But I kept on waking up which meant that I wasn’t dead and had to deal with this fear.

Don’t go out unless you have to and wear a mask if you do.  This mask business wasn’t a problem for me as I’ve seen photos of people wearing them to guard against Pollution.  What could be the difference?  Not a lot, I thought.  But since Pollution is non existent around here I don’t really know.  And so is Covid, so I don’t have much idea about that either?  This could be due to everyone obeying The Rules.  Don’t knock it, I say.

Nearly a year later everything staggers on, although the kissing had to stop, obviously.  I do miss that a bit as it was such a part of our daily lives.  Instinctive actually, after thirty years.  I wonder sometimes if it will ever return.  But if that is all that is missing then there isn’t much to worry about.

God knows what is going on out in the real World.  Somewhere to The East of Lann Georges where I haven’t ventured for a very long time and almost certainly won’t if and when I ever can.

I read Leg Iron’s Blog a lot because he seems to be the only person who actually knows what they are talking about and doesn’t change his mind every ten minutes.

O’Connor as ever lightens my days and gets me out of bed in the morning.  What a very funny little soul he is, although what I find so amusing about his penchants remain a mystery.  You try laughing when you’ve just stood in a pile of poop.  But what else is there to do.  Rien de tout, that’s what.
So from me to you, Have a Happy Covid.